The aftermath of a car crash can be so financially extreme that the state actually mandates insurance coverage. You carry liability coverage so that you don’t potentially end up indigent due to someone else’s negligence or leave someone else permanently financially disadvantaged as a result of your bad choices. What options are there for Pennsylvania hit-and-run victim compensation?
PA Hit and Run Law
Every driver in Pennsylvania should have insurance coverage that kicks in when they are at fault for a crash, but there are scenarios in which you may not be able to successfully make a claim against another’s policy. For example, the person who hits you could flee the scene of the collision, leaving you unable to identify them and make a claim against their insurance coverage accordingly.
How to Secure Compensation in a Pennsylvania Hit and Run Accident: Local Law Enforcement
It is a crime to flee the scene of a collision without communicating with the other drivers involved. While investigating a hit-and-run may not receive top priority from local law enforcement, especially when there are no injuries or major property damage losses, the police should make a reasonable effort to investigate your circumstances.
There could be video footage from traffic cameras or records from vehicle repair shops that help them identify the individual who caused the crash. In a scenario wherein the state tracks down the driver at fault, you can potentially make a claim against their insurance or even file a personal injury lawsuit against them in civil court.
Hit-and-runs have been a major concern in Pennsylvania in recent years, with state reports indicating that roughly 40 such crashes occur every day.
Automobile Insurance Settlement for a Hit and Run in Pennsylvania
Unfortunately, many hit-and-run collisions remain unsolved long after a crash occurs. If the police cannot locate the person who hit you, you may have no choice but to turn to your own insurance policy for support.
If you have uninsured motorist protection, a claim against your policy can cover the expenses that another driver’s liability coverage should have paid. Your options for compensation typically necessitate that you learn about your rights and report the crash to the appropriate authorities after it occurs. In a nutshell? Knowing your options will make it easier for you to cover your expenses following a Pennsylvania hit-and-run crash.
Easton Auto Accident Attorney
Contact an Easton car wreck attorney to learn more.